Adult Price:
Members Price: $225.00
Child Price:
Members Price: $205.00
Say yes to adventure and get ready for an activity-filled morning on our exclusive Kauai snorkeling tours. We invite you to go sailing on our Kauai-built catamaran named, Leila. To top off the experience we will go snorkeling and voyage to Kauai’s world-famous Napali Coast! Breakfast, lunch, drinks, and snorkel gear are all included in this fun, exciting, action-packed tour for the whole family.
Here at Holo Holo Charters, we get really fired up about sailing, and we believe it’s something everyone should experience our Kauai snorkeling tours. So, we invite you to come sail with us, on our gorgeous 50-foot sailing catamaran to the Napali Coast! It’s difficult to overstate the profound impact that sailing has had on humanity, and we can hardly imagine the bravery and brilliance of the Polynesians that navigated by the stars and sailed their way across the Pacific, reaching Hawaii over 1,800 years ago. Get a small sample of that experience on our modern sailing vessel.