
Hawaii Time: 12:24 PM HST, Hawaii Weather: 82.0 F (27.8 C)

  • Discover Pearl Harbor!

  • Experience Maui in Luxury!

  • Ultimate Whale Watch

  • Tour Maui By Helicopter

  • Gathering of the Kings

  • Hawaii from Above!

  • Biking on Oahu

  • Rappel Down a Waterfall!

  • Discover the Hawaiian Aquarium!

  • Island Breeze Luau

Days of the Week & Months in Hawaiian

Students Price: $0.00 - Members Price: $0.00
Sunday - Lapule (lay-poo-lay )
Monday - Po'akahi (poh ah-kah-hee)
Tuesday - Po'alua (poh ah-loo-ah)
Wednesday - Po'akolu (poh ah-ko-loo)
Thursday - Po'aha (poh ah-ha)
Friday - Po'alima (poh ah-lee-mah)
Saturday - Po 'aono (poh ah-o-no)

January - 'Iaunuali (ee-ya-oo new-ahlee)
February - Pepeluali (pay-pay loo-ahlee )
March - Malaki (ma-la-key)
April - 'Apelila (ah-pe-lee-la)
May - Mei (may-ee)
June - Iune (ee-oo-ney)
July - Iulai (ee-oo-la-ee)
August - 'Aukake (ah-oo-ka-key)
September - Kepakemapa (key-pa-key-ma-pa)
October - 'Okakopa (oh-ka-ko-pa)
November - Nowemapa (No-vay-ma-pa)
December - Kekemapa (key-key-ma-pa)
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