
Hawaii Time: 03:53 PM HST, Hawaii Weather: 81.0 F (27.2 C)

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Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts ~ Oahu

Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (HiSAM) has been nicknamed the "People's Museum". HiSAM has four galleries - the Diamond Head Gallery, the Ewa Gallery, the Sculpture Lobby and the Sculpture Garden. Admission is FREE.

Hours of Operation are:
Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Museum is closed on Sunday and Monday and all State and Federal Holidays.
The Museum is open on First Friday, a downtown gallery walk held on the first Friday of each month, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM ~ Galleries close at 8:30 PM

Visitor Guidelines include:
No smoking, no food or drinks, no touching of the art displays, no cell phones, pagers and animals (Trained assistance animals are permitted). Large bags must be checked in with security, no flash photography.
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