
Hawaii Time: 05:24 PM HST, Hawaii Weather: 81.0 F (27.2 C)

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Star Gazing at Mauna Kea Onizuka VIS - Big Island

Free Price: $0.00 - Members Price: $0.00
The Visitor Information Station (VIS), at the 9,300 foot (2,900 m) level of Mauna Kea, has a nightly stargazing program held every night of the year from 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm.

Sponsored entirely by public donations, this program is conducted FREE of charge and is open to everybody, no reservations needed! Often above the clouds, the night skies at the VIS are often clear and bright, rivaling any other stargazing location in the world!

Please note that we often experience near-freezing night time temperatures at the VIS. Please, dress warmly! (But just in case, warm clothing is available for sale at the Visitor Information Station's First Light Bookstore.) Also, a red-filtered flashlight will help you navigate safely from the parking lot.

Also, please make sure there is a full tank of gas in your vehicle before making the trip up to the Visitor Station. Fuel is NOT available for purchase on Mauna Kea, and the nearest gas stations are about thirty miles away in either Hilo or Waimea.

From Hilo, take the Puainako Extension (Hwy 2000) which merges with Saddle Road (Hwy 200). Just before the 28 mile marker, there is a road to the right and a street sign that says Mauna Kea Access Road. Make the right turn. The station is about 6 miles up the road on the right side of the road. The drive takes approximately 1 hour.
From the Kona side of the island, take Highway 190 heading North toward Waimea. Just before the 6 mile marker, there is a turnoff on the right for Saddle Road (Hwy 200). Take Saddle Road until just after the 28 mile marker. Turn left onto the Mauna Kea Access Road. The station is about 6 miles up the road on the right side of the road. From Waimea, the trip takes about 1 hour, from Waikoloa, the trip takes about 1 1/2 hours, and from Kona, the trip takes about 2 hours.
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